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How to plan routes with GPS coordinates

MyRouteOnline allows you to work with GPS coordinates (latitude, longitude).
Planning with Latitude/Longitude (instead of full address) is convenient in rural areas or when the full address is not available.

  1. Have your GPS coordinates list and make sure the latitude is first (to the left).
    [ latitude, longitude ]
  2. Enclose the coordinates in square brackets [ ] as shown in column D. This will cause MyRouteOnline to place a marker on that precise location on the globe.
    Lat-Long in brackets

    Lat-Long in brackets

    Merely inserting the coordinates without square brackets, as shown in columns A and B, will cause the program to try to find the closest address, which may or may not be correct.
    For example, if you put the coordinates [39.228020, -77.776075] in square brackets as shown in line A, the marker is placed at the exact location. If you put the coordinates without square brackets, they are changed to the nearest location Google Maps found, as shown in line B.

    GPS coordinates

    GPS coordinates

    The two different markers on the map show that the two stops are being processed differently by our mapping engine. This is a rural area in Virginia and these coordinates were recognized as Appalachian Trail, Purcellville, WV 20132, USA

    Coordinates in brackets

    Coordinates in brackets

    An easy way to add brackets to your coordinates, is using this formula =”[“&A1&”,”&B1&”]”

    Lat and Long with brackets

    Lat and Long with brackets

  3. To figure out what address these coordinates refer to, put the actual address in the “Comments” column or “Title” if you do not have any other information you need there.
  4. Import this list to our Route Calculator and plan your route.

How do I get GPS coordinates from Google Maps?
To get latitude/longitude coordinates using Google Maps:
The addresses that you enter, are being geo-coded and thus change according to locations recognized by Google Maps.

Google Maps coordinates

Google Maps coordinates

If you need to get the coordinates of a place, open Google Maps, right click on that place and select What’s here?
Coordinates locator

Coordinates locator

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