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What does a red address represent?

A red address is an address that Google Maps failed to map to geographical
or where Google has found a few locations that match this address.

There are a few ways to help us verify this address:
1) Click Verify to get a list of possible locations for this address

Click Verify

Click Verify

Clicking verify opens this window:
Google Maps multiple destinations

Google Maps multiple destinations

The red address in this example was 5315 Fountain Drive, Knoxville, TN, 37918
and you should review all option and select the relevant address from the list above.
Note that number 3 shows “Fountain Valley Dr”, whereas number 6 shows only “Fountain Dr” but the postal code is different.

In the event that clicking “Verify” returns a “Failed to Verify” message, try these tips:
2) Double-check the spelling of the street name.
3) Do not specify additional address elements such as business names, unit numbers, floor numbers, or suite numbers that are not included in the address as defined by the postal service of the country concerned.
4) Try different road “types”, such as Drive, Dr, Tr, Trail, Highway, Hwy, US Hwy, etc.
5) Use the street number of a premise in preference to the building name where possible.
6) Do not provide ‘hints’ such as nearby landmarks. If you need this information, add it as a comment.

+ Find out more about ambiguous addresses