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How to edit your route

Whether you just planned your route, imported your planned route or reloaded it – you can edit your route:

  1. To rebuild the entire route, i.e. reorder your list and get a different result:
    1. Click Back (to the address list)
    2. Change your parameters or goal
    3. Click Plan My Route.
      * This will reset all manual changes.
  2. To recalculate the time or edit titles, while keeping the stops in the same order:
    1. Click Back (to the address list)
    2. Change departure time or service time (for a specific address or as default)
    3. Click Back to results
    4. Click Plan My Route.
      * This will keep all manual changes.

    + Find out how to make manual changes.

    + Find out how to add an address to an existing route.