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How to import and filter your contacts list (Filter-In and Filter-Out)

Filter-In will include specific rows in your list – only cells that contain value in this column.
All the rows that have these cells empty, will be ignored (and not imported to the route planner).

Follow these steps:

  1. Have your entire customers’ list in one file.
  2. Add a column for each work day (Monday-Friday).
  3. For each customer add an ‘X’ in the specific day you visit him.
  4. Import the file to the planner.
  5. Make sure your columns headers match the ones in the import wizard, including the Filter-in column.
    Route Planning Filter Contacts In
  6. You can do this for every day of your work week.

Filter-out will exclude rows where these cells are not empty.

+ Find out how to import your contact list.