Navigation app
For example, Google Maps, Waze, Apple Maps, etc.
The apps you’ll see here are navigation apps installed on your device.
Select the one you wish MyRoute will open to navigate to your next destination.
Location Permissions Full or Partial access.
Full (Always) grants permission to use your location while you are using other apps and MyRoute is in the background.
Partial (When-in-use) grants permission to use your location only while MyRoute is open and you’re actively using it.
Navigate by
By address or by GPS coordinates.
Navigating by address means that the navigation app you selected will search for this address and you’ll need to confirm that location.
Navigating by GPS coordinates means the navigation app will use these coordinates as your destination.
Arrival Distance
This number will set the point where your arrival notification is shown.
The larger this number is, the earlier you’ll see this notification.
Display Units
Select the units you’d like your distance to show – Miles or Km.
Arrival Notification Behavior
Tap navigates to the next stop or Tap opens MyRoute.
Arrival notifications are shown when you arrive at your destination and include the next destination in line.
Tapping on this notification can either navigate to the next stop or open MyRoute.
Report Arrival & Tracking
Not reporting or reporting Arrival & Live Tracking.
Saved routes can be tracked if you activate this here.