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How to set up Email and SMS notifications with ETA

MyRoute app includes a comment field which you can use to interact with your customers.

You can also use this field to update your database. The app automatically identifies these as hyperlinks – phone numbers, email addresses, and URL’s. This is how it will look in the MyRoute app:

MyRoute app with comments

MyRoute app with comments

To use this option when you import an Excel:

  1. Insert a phone number / email address / URL under the Comment column and import your file.
  2. You can insert all three in one column or in three separated columns.
    This is how it will look in the Import Wizard:

    Import Wizard-Comments

    Import Wizard-Comments

To use this option within the app:

  1. Click Stops List.
  2. Click the 3 dots and select Edit Stop Details.
    Edit Stop Details

    Edit Stop Details

  3. Scroll down to the Comment field and add the necessary info.
    Edit Comments

    Edit Comments

+ Find out how to use MyRoute app.
+ Find out how to use delivery tracking with MyRoute app.