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How to Set Departure Time with our daily route planner

Time to Start your daily route

Until now, Departure time was the time you started your route, your first stop, whether it’s your Start Address or the first address you visit. This is still the case but we’ve added two more options:
Time at second stop – The time you wish to visit the next stop after your Start Address.
Time at last stop – The time you wish to end your route.

Departure time-Time at second or last stop

Departure time-Time at second or last stop

For example, you know you need to visit your first customer at 9:00 but you’re not sure when to leave your office or warehouse so you set the departure time at the second stop to 9:00 and the result shows you when to leave.
This is how it looks if you select Time at second stop:

Departure time at second stop

Departure time at second stop

When your goals are set, click Plan My Route and check out what you can do when your route-plan is ready.

+ Learn more about route planning parameters.