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Multi-Routing optimization options

Multi-Route Parameters are located under the second tab named GOALS.

Multi Routing

Multi Routing

  1. Number of Routes
    Choose to separate your list into several routes according to the number of carriers or vehicles, days, etc.
    If you wish to use Max. Route Duration or Stops, better leave this as default (Number of routes=1).
  2. Max. Route Duration
    Set a time limit to your route duration, according to your work hours.
    For multi-route optimization, if a route duration exceeds this value – a new route will be created.
    Zero means no limit.
  3. Max. Stops per Route
    Set a limit to the number of stops you have in each route, according to the truck’s space or the time it takes to visit all the stops.
  4. Allow Deviation
    Choose to allow or forbid some sort of deviation from the number of stops you’ve set.
  5. Max Vehicle Size
    Set a limit to your vehicle to create routes that account for order size and truck volume.

+ Learn more about multiple routes.

+ Learn more about planning territories.