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Healthcare Services Company Plans Flexible Routes

June 16, 2014
Healthcare Services Company

A healthcare services company with a team of 20 consultants serves several hundred patients and business partners across a large geographical region. First the company organized their service area by dividing it into several geographical areas and assigning each territory to a different consultant.

MyRouteOnline currently limits the number of addresses that can be planned at once to 250, so the entire list had to be divided into shorter lists, which was initially done by zip codes.
Then, when they had 3 lists of 250 stops, they could use each one to plan between 5-7 routes at once. Each of the route plans was assigned to one consultant who was able to modify the route plan to meet his/her needs.

These routes change from time to time, and therefore these consultants frequently need to change their routes. Changes to existing routes are easily done by reloading the saved route and adding or deleting addresses.
We launched a Territory Planner which can help this company and others to automatically plan their territories, not necessarily using zip codes.
Try our Multi Stop Route Planner for Free!