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Foodbank in Plympton Delivering Food to the Community

May 31, 2020
Foodbank in Plympton Delivering Food

150 Sunday lunches delivered. Every meal raises money for a new foodbank in Plympton and to support the vulnerable and financially challenged members of the community. The whole project is administered by Plympton Team Ministry and everyone involved is a volunteer.

The process:

People order meals using Google docs and meals order form closes on Thursday. The orders for the meat and vegetables are placed accordingly. The info from the order forms turns into work flow-sheets, dividing all the collections into time slots and planning routes for deliveries.
Much of Friday is spent on creating lists, to make sure everyone gets what they ordered, and Saturday is kitchen day.
“We have found a great online source called MyRouteOnline Route Planner. We input the addresses we need to deliver to, tell the app how many volunteers we have available to deliver, set the parameters so that no journey takes longer than 10 mins (to make sure the meal stays hot) and then press the button. In a few seconds the planner has sorted the optimum routes for us.”
Sunday is when all the food is delivered.
Delivery volunteers arrive, their cars are loaded with meals and they use MyRoute app to navigate their planned routes. When their route is done, they come back to load their cars again, until all meals are delivered.
“We may not be trading at the moment, but we’re pleased to be able to help the local community”.
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