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Free Delivery Route Planner

November 18, 2022
Free deliveries

“A new take on an old idea” – Everything old is new again, according to Scrip.

Scrip has been planning deliveries of its products by van to its customers in the Chicago area, for a few years.
The company is a global distributor of products for complementary and alternative medicine professionals.
Among its customers are chiropractors, physical therapists, massage therapists, and spa owners.

Free Deliveries

According to the company, the notion of regular front door delivery is an old one that they’re giving a digital-age twist.
Customers are urged to sign up for the delivery route and experience a level of personalized service not often seen these days.
Scrips will provide its customers with free delivery on their supplies on a four-week delivery cycle. Delivery drivers will contact the customers each month to restock for their next delivery, and will follow up after the delivery is made to ensure satisfaction with the service.
In addition, the personal deliveries will allow customers to learn about new products and even make additional, last-minute purchases.

Free Deliveries Combat Fuel and Shipping Costs

A member of Scrips’ family company, Advantage Medical, has been offering free deliveries for years now, the company said, to help their customers combat fuel and shipping costs. For companies thinking about providing this personal touch and convenience for their customers, there is also the need to worry about saving on fuel.

That’s where a free delivery route planner comes in handy. Improve your mileage and reduce the time it takes to make your deliveries with a planner that maps out the most efficient route for you. For more information, contact us or try our free route planner app.